CarFreeAtoZ Trip Planning API

The CarFreeAtoZ API is located at Available endpoints include the following:

/plan (GET)

The /plan endpoint is used for retrieving commute profiles for a point-to-point profile trip.

Sample request:

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Notes Example
accessModes Comma-separated list The allowable modes for accessing a transit trip WALK,BICYCLE,BICYCLE_RENT,CAR_PARK
bikeSpeed Number The user's biking speed in m/s 3.5763
date Date The date of travel in YYYY-MM-DD format 2017-01-01
directModes Comma-separated list The allowable modes for a direct trip connecting the start and end locations WALK,BICYCLE,BICYCLE_RENT,CAR
egressModes Comma-separated list The allowable modes for egressing a transit trip WALK,BICYCLE_RENT
endTime Time The beginning of search range 9:00
from Lat/Lon The destination of the trip 38.914319,-77.021102
maxBikeTime Number The maximum time for a bike-access leg in minutes 20
maxWalkTime Number The maximum time for a walk-access leg in minutes 30
maxCarTime Number The maximum time for a car-access leg in minutes 45
startTime Time The beginning of search range 7:00
to Lat/Lon The destination of the trip 38.889637,-77.086272
limit Number The maximum number of transit options to return 2
transitModes Comma-separated list The allowable modes for the transit leg of a trip BUS,TRAIN
walkSpeed Number The user's walking speed 1.34112